2023р. ТОВ "КАРПАТНАФТОХІМ" отримало подяку від Головнокомандувача Збройних Сил України за активну громадянську позицію, патріотизм та допомогу Збройним Силам України
2018р. ТОВ "КАРПАТНАФТОХІМ" – переможець конкурсу серед підприємств хімічної і нафтохімічної галузей промисловості України
2011. ТОВ "КАРПАТНАФТОХІМ" - переможець конкурсу на кращі будівлі і споруди України, збудовані і прийняті в експлуатацію в 2010 році за спорудження ВИРОБНИЦТВА ПОЛІВІНІЛХЛОРИДУ СУСПЕНЗІЙНОГО.
2007. ТОВ "КАРПАТНАФТОХІМ" отримало іменний диплом на право використання фірмового знаку учасника рейтингу компанії "Гвардія".
2007. ТОВ "КАРПАТНАФТОХІМ" стало переможцем Всеукраїнського конкурсу якості продукції „100 кращих товарів України” в номінації „Продукція виробничо-технічного призначення”, організованому Державним комітетом України з питань технічного регулювання та споживчої політики. Рідкий аргон високої чистоти, що виробляється в „КАРПАТНАФТОХІМі”, визнано найкращим в Україні серед товарів виробничо-технічного призначення.
2006-2007. ТОВ “КАРПАТНАФТОХІМ” - переможець конкурсу "100 кращих товарів".
Травень 2007. ТОВ “КАРПАТНАФТОХІМ” - переможець у першому Всеукраїнському конкурсі підприємств у сфері зовнішньоекономічної діяльності “Європейський вибір”.
Жовтень 2006. ЗАТ “ЛУКОР” та ТОВ “КАРПАТНАФТОХІМ” визнано кращими підприємствами в рамках загальноукраїнського проекту “Хімічна та нафтохімічна промисловість України”.
Червень 2006. Всеукраїнський конкурс якості продукції (товарів, робіт, послуг) „100 кращих товарів України” продукт виробництва „Поліолефін” ТОВ „КАРПАТНАФТОХІМ”, поліетилен марки НХF 4810Н визнав одним з найкращих видів продукції в номінації „Товари виробничо-технічного призначення”
Квітень 2006. Золота медаль якості "Вища проба" за впровадження на підприємстві сучасних технологій та випуск високоякісного і конкурентоспроможного на ринку поліетилену.

Treatment facilities of «KARPATNAFTOCHIM» at peak of flood have proved the reliable operation

The team of neutralization and treatment of industrial waste waters division of «КАRPATNAFTOCHIM» Ltd., had to work in extraordinary complicated situation in June days of the biggest pouring rains and severe floods in Kalush region. Workers of treatment facilities of the Company were forced to use urgent measures and to react quickly, working around the clock, in order not to allow the flooding and failure of process equipment and machinery. Besides of that, it was also necessary to secure the uninterrupted and reliable treatment of a huge amount of waste and rain waters and prohibit the coming of pollutants to already purified water and discharge to the river Dniester.

And it’s a great respect to the team of the above-mentioned division that they have managed to execute such important task during the peak period of floods and flooding of territories, noted Sergey Gandzyuk, a chief of this division. According to five-point grading system their activity could be rated at «five».

– Due to high qualified actions of workers of treatment facilities, and first of all, thanks to the activities of shift personnel, – tells Sergey Bogdanovych, – in critical days of natural calamity in June 22-24 was avoided the flooding of equipment and occurrence of emergency situations in our division.  Practically on the territory of the object continuously worked tractor МТЗ-80 with trailer, on which to the necessary points was transported the pump for pumping-out of rain waters. For the pumping-out and pumping-over of water we also used the available drain pumps and petrol motor pump «Honda». There was the situation when on the territory of the division worked three fire engines of State Fire and Rescue Group- 24 for protection of objects of «KARPATNAFTOCHIM» Ltd., which helped to pump out and to pump-over the water.

In order to purify properly waste waters, which were coming to treatment facilities and to avoid the falling of pollutants to the river, we practically involved all reserve facilities – aero tanks, precipitation tanks, places of storage of damp sediment. Shortly to say, the whole technological process of neutralization, mechanical and biological treatment of waste waters including sanitary waters, organic waters etc., was made according to  the Regulation. That is why this flood calamity was overcome by the team of the division without breakdowns of equipment and machinery. And the most important is the fact that there were no any infringements during discharge of purified water to the river Dniester.

Now, according to the information of Sergey Gandzyuk, the situation at treatment facilities of «KARPATNAFTOCHIM» has been normalized. Practically have already been emptied 80 percent of reserve facilities, which were involved in operation during intensive and unceasing heavy rains and significant rise of water level. Damp sediment was pumped to sludge sites, and suspended substances, caught at the unit of mechanical treatment of waste waters, were transported to the landfill of such wastes.



Yarema Rudyk «We try to do everything possible to preserve the backbone of the team»

Though today KARPATNAFTOCHIM Company due to the introduction of martial law in the country has stopped its production activity and its main installations are in a state of forced downtime, it will continue to be decisive both for the town Kalush and for the economy of Precarpathian and Ukraine as a whole. And we are […]

Our enterprise helps the Ukrainian army and the fighters of territorial defense

War did not leave indifferent any Ukrainian. They join the fight with enemy both directly in combat zones as well as on occupied and unoccupied territories. Teams of production enterprises do not stay away from aggressive actions of Russian army. Among them is also Company «KARPATNAFTOCHIM». Yarema Rudyk, General Director Deputy of «KARPATNAFTOCHIM» told us […]