2023р. ТОВ "КАРПАТНАФТОХІМ" отримало подяку від Головнокомандувача Збройних Сил України за активну громадянську позицію, патріотизм та допомогу Збройним Силам України
2018р. ТОВ "КАРПАТНАФТОХІМ" – переможець конкурсу серед підприємств хімічної і нафтохімічної галузей промисловості України
2011. ТОВ "КАРПАТНАФТОХІМ" - переможець конкурсу на кращі будівлі і споруди України, збудовані і прийняті в експлуатацію в 2010 році за спорудження ВИРОБНИЦТВА ПОЛІВІНІЛХЛОРИДУ СУСПЕНЗІЙНОГО.
2007. ТОВ "КАРПАТНАФТОХІМ" отримало іменний диплом на право використання фірмового знаку учасника рейтингу компанії "Гвардія".
2007. ТОВ "КАРПАТНАФТОХІМ" стало переможцем Всеукраїнського конкурсу якості продукції „100 кращих товарів України” в номінації „Продукція виробничо-технічного призначення”, організованому Державним комітетом України з питань технічного регулювання та споживчої політики. Рідкий аргон високої чистоти, що виробляється в „КАРПАТНАФТОХІМі”, визнано найкращим в Україні серед товарів виробничо-технічного призначення.
2006-2007. ТОВ “КАРПАТНАФТОХІМ” - переможець конкурсу "100 кращих товарів".
Травень 2007. ТОВ “КАРПАТНАФТОХІМ” - переможець у першому Всеукраїнському конкурсі підприємств у сфері зовнішньоекономічної діяльності “Європейський вибір”.
Жовтень 2006. ЗАТ “ЛУКОР” та ТОВ “КАРПАТНАФТОХІМ” визнано кращими підприємствами в рамках загальноукраїнського проекту “Хімічна та нафтохімічна промисловість України”.
Червень 2006. Всеукраїнський конкурс якості продукції (товарів, робіт, послуг) „100 кращих товарів України” продукт виробництва „Поліолефін” ТОВ „КАРПАТНАФТОХІМ”, поліетилен марки НХF 4810Н визнав одним з найкращих видів продукції в номінації „Товари виробничо-технічного призначення”
Квітень 2006. Золота медаль якості "Вища проба" за впровадження на підприємстві сучасних технологій та випуск високоякісного і конкурентоспроможного на ринку поліетилену.

«Let the potential of the enterprise contribute to its development»

After New Year holidays and on the eve of Christmas I visited the laboratory of ethylene and polyethylene service of «KARPATNAFTOCHIM» Ltd. About the upcoming of the grand event for Christian world as well as the advent of the New Year showed the decorated New Year tree in one of the laboratory’s rooms and smiling faces of girls-its workers.

At the time of my visit in the office of Vira Papiryanska-laboratory chief, was her deputy Olga Kuchera, and they in turn spoke about the team’s business, how they celebrated the year 2021 and about their dreams for future activities and achievements.

Our conversation started from the question about the changes in their team since the time of work renewal after the outage.


– In the last years our collective really experienced the essential changes. During almost five years of outage a part of our veterans retired and some workers quitted the job. So it was necessary to enroll young specialists. Now in our team, consisting of 78 persons, only the third part is occupied by experienced workers. Among them are such that have been working in the laboratory since 1987 року – from the time of ethylene facility start, and the rest are young specialists.


– I’d like to mention, that workers of our women team have high education, except two girls who graduated from Kalush polytechnic college. The most of them are the graduates from National University «Lvivska Polytechnika», as well as from Ivano-Frankivslk National Technical University of Oil and Gas and from Vasyl Stefanik Precarpathian National University with a degree chemical engineer.

For many people the profession of laboratory assistants and their obligations are unfamiliar, however, as far as I know, they are very important.


– And it’s really so. The duties of the laboratory workers of three divisions of our lab, that are located at the territory for hydrocarbons production and bottling of ethylene facility and on the site of polyethylene facility include such tasks as the control of units for readiness of technological process conducting, that foresee the water analyses, feedstock products of cracking analysis, as well as analyses of final products – ethylene, propylene, benzene, polyethylene, fractions of С4, С9.

And these analyses are made by our workers every day, because the raw material is coming systematically and the products are shipped to the consumers.


– The control is made in accordance with the existing process regulations and with the schedule of such works execution as well as pursuant to the conditions, stipulated in the contracts with the consumers.

Such functions of laboratory exist since the time of putting the units in operation, and recently to our obligations was additionally included the corresponding analyses execution of raw materials and products of a new-built unit for propylene oxide output.

And how did your team celebrate the New Year?


– This year we decided to step aside from the tradition to decorate offices with New Year and Christmas attributes, and that is why we put and decorated a real forest beauty in the largest building of the laboratory. Such innovation cheered our girls up.


– And we all liked so much delicates, which were treated to us by Vira Ivanivna on the first working day of the New Year.

What are you expecting from the year 2021?


We hope for good events both in our country and on our enterprise. Taking the opportunity I’d like to wish to the laboratory assistants and to all petrochemists a sound health, prosperity to our Company, and for all employees – growth of material benefits.


– In our team are working young and creative specialists. A great number of them work in other divisions of «KARPATNAFTOCHIM», so let their potential contributes to the development of the enterprise, to mastering of new products output, that will also enrich the enterprise, community of the town and our state.



Yarema Rudyk «We try to do everything possible to preserve the backbone of the team»

Though today KARPATNAFTOCHIM Company due to the introduction of martial law in the country has stopped its production activity and its main installations are in a state of forced downtime, it will continue to be decisive both for the town Kalush and for the economy of Precarpathian and Ukraine as a whole. And we are […]

Our enterprise helps the Ukrainian army and the fighters of territorial defense

War did not leave indifferent any Ukrainian. They join the fight with enemy both directly in combat zones as well as on occupied and unoccupied territories. Teams of production enterprises do not stay away from aggressive actions of Russian army. Among them is also Company «KARPATNAFTOCHIM». Yarema Rudyk, General Director Deputy of «KARPATNAFTOCHIM» told us […]